

Christmas was so much fun and a event that I looked forward to all December, Every one was coming home, (all except Matt and Jenny and their family). I love spending time with my kids, love the noise of the house, love the banter that goes on between them. Love the laughter. Love the "remember" stories. Love my kids. Love that cute grandson Nixon that I don't see enough of. I've been so homesick for all of them.

Nick, Erica and Nixon helped me with the Nativity. Eric got the barn ready so we could have our Christmas story in the barn. It was cold, but nice to take a few minutes and remember what Christmas is all about. We are so blessed.


Portia said...

I feel like If I didnt have my family for Christmas I would go to your house for sure....Im not even joking!

Erica Locke said...

I can't wait for Christmas 2013! I had a wonderful time. Thanks for taking care of us and loving us and making the best memories. Good thing we have 24 of Julys and Labor Days to hold us off until next time. Thanks for the best christmas present!