
Happy Birthday to you!

Today is my Birthday and I've spent most of the day hoping that Steven was having a good day. When I turned 26 I received the neatest Birthday present I could have ever wished for, Steven Tyler Pickering! So Steven Happy Birthday! I love you so much and hope you are having a great day. Thanks for being mine. I sure love you. MOM


Hiking Cave Lake

I love my family! We had so much fun this last Monday. We spent the day at a little place called Cave Lake. The day started off cloudy and cool, but by the time we were ready to play it was perfect. The lake was the perfect place to skip a few rocks. Everyone tried a few. Trace thought the big ones did the best, at least they made the best splash! We cooked some hot dogs, had chips, fruit salad, and ate a pan of brownies.
After we let our food settle we were off on our hike. Now at the time I didn't think a thing about our choice of hikes. That thought won't come to me until the middle of the night when I can't sleep. When the thought of dragging Maddie and Trace up and across the side of a steep mountain wakes me up. Even though I laid awake contemplating the "what ifs" I still come to the same conclusion, I'd do it again.
We hiked up the side of the mountain to a small cave at the top. The cave wasn't much of a cave, just a dent in the mountain. As we made our way down We realised just how steep this hike was. Knocking rocks down, sliding on our bums, and trying to stay right side up as we worked our way to the bottom.
We just needed to work our way around the edge of the lake and we'd be back on flat ground. OK, so I lost my balance and fell in the lake! It was so funny, I'm sure I looked hilarious as I fell. Arms flying around like they'd do me some good. The lake was so cold it took my breath away! As I turn around I look up into the faces of my adoring children and this is more or less what I see. Jenny, trying so hard not to laugh, but waiting to bust up just as soon as she can get the OK. Eric, he took a "I'll wait and see if she needs anything approach". Erica, was actually coming to my rescue. Nick, was looking at Erica to see if she might end up with my same fate. Trace was concerned and a little scared for me. He just wanted me to get dry clothes on. I glance toward Matt and Latara just in time to see them both set down on there butts laughing. I glance back at Steven and Jessica, It was just in time to see Steve shaking his head slowly back and forth as if to say no. Really I'm sure what he meant was only you'd fall in the lake mom! I put them all out there misery when I bust out a laugh that echoed off the side of the mountain.
As we headed back I could tell as we passed the people fishing that they had seen (or heard) the whole thing

Erica's story click here