
Happy Birthday to You!

My Dear Erica,
I hope this day has been filled with happiness and joy. I'm so grateful to have you as a daughter. Thank you for being such a good kid and for all your helpfulness. It has been so nice to have you as my oldest girl. Time goes by so fast, it seems like just a while ago we were following you around cheering at games and events. How I've loved being your mother. You make your dad and I so proud with the choices you make and the life that you are living. I'm so very happy about a new grand baby. I can't wait for you and Nick to feel and love all the things that go along with a baby. I have such wonderful memories of starting my family. You kids mean the world to your dad and me. I love you and hope all your birthdays are happy ones! Thank you for being so grateful I think it is one of your best qualities. You'll be such a good mommy.
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1 comment:

Erica Locke said...

Thank you so much mom! You always know how to make me feel special. :D